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DSHD-2801C Penetrometer


Product Description

DHSD 2801C Penetrometer

The instrument is designed and made as per national standard of People’s Republic of China GB/T 4509-2010 Standard Test Method for Penetration of Bitumen,GB/T269 Standard Test Method for Cone Penetration of Lubricating Grease and Petrolatum and T0604-2011 Asphalt Penetration Test in the Industrial Standard of People’s Republic of China JTG E20-2011 Specifications and Test.Methods of Bitumen and Bituminous Mixture for Highway Engineering as well as ASTM D5 Standard Test Method for Penetration of Bituminous Materials and ASTM D217 Standard Test Methods for Cone Penetration of Lubricating Grease. It is mainly used to determine the needle penetration of bituminous mixture and cone penetration of lubricating grease (or petrolatum).It is also suitable to determine solid particle,powder, colloid an draw-food materials such as cheese,glycine,butter,cream and leavening.It can be widely used in food industry,highway engineering and other industrial fields.

Technical Data Sheet

I. Main technical features
1.It adopts digital display to show the penetration number.Easy to observe.
2.Six grade softening control.High timing control accuracy.
3. The needle holder can be adjusted roughly and finely. It is convenient to adjust and exact to aim.
4.Equipped with grease masher and constant temperature bath. The temperature in bath can be controlled automatically.Multipurpose and high cost performance.

II. Main technical specifications

SN.  Item  Parameter
1  Measurement range  (0~600)penetration scale
2  Timing controller  5s,8s,10s,12s,30 sand 60s,bias within±0.1s
3  Resolution  0.01mm
4  Penetration accuracy  ±1penetration
5  Heater power:  200W;
6  Temperature control accuracy  25±0.1℃ (Note:The ambient temperature shall not exceed 20 â„ƒ)
7  Temperature control mode  High accuracy digital temperature controller
8  Constant temperature bath  Hard glass bath
9  Stirring Automatically stirred by a magnetic stirrer
10  Standard needle  2.5±0.05g
11  Standard cone  102.5±0.05g

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